About the Author

The year we both got ordained!

Greetings and salutations! My name is Sister Sara and I am a whole lot of things, including a rostered minister of word and service in the ELCA, wife of another Deacon (UMC), mom to 3 kiddos, and a minister to children, youth, and their gown ups since 2010. 

But life is so much more than those family/resume definitions of ourselves, right? I am a communicator who enjoys writing, public speaking, and preaching. I love working with young people, and people who are young at heart. I can’t resist a rescue dog, and have 2 of my own, and unfortunately have passed that love for rescue onto my son, who rescues reptiles! I love funny movies, and stand up comedy. I will probably always follow calls into vocations where I can serve and empower people to be the best version of themselves. 

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you, and I hope you enjoy them. Ciao!

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About Me

Greetings! I’m so glad you’ve made your way here. I’m Sister Sara and I’m an ELCA Deacon in the Southeastern Synod, currently in Atlanta GA. My hope is to continue to update this space with more children, youth and family resources, devotions, and other writings related to ministry. Enjoy!